sexta-feira, 11 de agosto de 2017

Project Time!

How about making AWESOME structures out of recycling material?

Here is the challenge: 

  1. You may use recycling materials to build your structure. 
  2. It has to have posts in it. It cannot stand flat on the ground.
  3. Your structure has to be STRONG and STABLE.
  4. It has to hold a little weight for 1 minute (like ten marbles inside/on top of it).
  5. It cannot bend or fall.
  6. Make a list of the materials used and write a short description to illustrate the process of making the structure in your agenda.


* Adults can only help by holding the structure or gathering materials around. (Mom and Dad cannot make the structure to you, ok?

* All projects must be in class by MONDAY - August 14th, 2017.

* Use your Creativity.


Year 3 teachers

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