sexta-feira, 11 de dezembro de 2015

Peace in Pieces

“We are all unique in our differences and that is the beauty of the world we live in.”

Hi everyone, 

The world is a mix of sounds, colors and people. 

E assim também é a nossa visão de paz.

Every day, we face different emotions that change our view of the world around us.

Desejar e transmitir a paz é como construir uma colcha de retalhos. Parte por parte, ela se faz, forte e resistente para confortar quem dela necessita.

So... It's time to reflect and ACT!

A tarefa de hoje é construir o PEACE QUILT:

1- Watch the video: Peaceful Pieces 

2- Make a square out of an A4 paper. (This will be your peace quilt square!)

3- Interview someone important to you. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper. (you may use the left over part of your A4 square, as we saw in class, ok?)

*What color is peace to you?

*What does peace look like?

*Describe a time when you experienced peace. Where were you? What were you doing? 

4- Together prepare your Quilt piece square.

5- Bring your answers and your quilt piece to school on Monday.

6- All the squares will be put together next week! We'll have our own PEACE QUILT!

Peace Y'all!
Ms Jana / Ms Taty

13 comentários:

  1. Mis taty im dont andertand the activity

  2. Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.

  3. Pedro,
    You have to interview an adult,using the questions on step 3 as your guide. Bring the interview in a separate paper.
    Then, together, the adult and you will decorate an A4 sized paper (shaped as a square) with a peace theme.
    On Monday, will put all decorations together to form our 'tapete da paz'. (Como o da foto!)
    The video is to inspire you!

  4. ms tati and ms jana i love the video o video me inspirou muito . . . MARIA FERNANDA REIS YEAR3A

  5. MS Taty e MS Jana o video é muito interesante e me ajudou muito obrigada

  6. The homework was very interesting, I will interview my mom.

    : D

  7. Posso usar colagem na criação do meu quadradinho?

  8. Posso usar colagem na criação do meu quadradinho?
