quarta-feira, 2 de dezembro de 2015

Little... BIG Scientist...

Hey everyone,

Here is the wonderful demonstration Daniel Motta from Year 3 A gave us during our last unit.

Daniel saw this crane model at 'Manual do Mundo' on the internet, as well as at the last year 5 science fair.
He liked the model so much, he decided to build one to him.

He had the special help of his beloved father!
Together, they made magic in the year 3 classes. Kids loved the demonstration!

After Daniel presented his model, many questions emerged in class, most of them about movement and air pressure.
We then asked the year 4 to visit our class, to teach us a little more about this important force of nature (but this is another post!).

Daniel (and DADDY, of course!) we would like to thank you immensely for this time in the class! We are really happy for your constant interest in both science and experiments!

Ms Taty / Ms Janaína 

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