segunda-feira, 30 de novembro de 2015

The Butter Battle Book 

by Dr. Seuss

Hey guys,

Here is the story we discussed today.

Watch it again and think about possible solutions for the Yooks and Zooks conflicts.

Bring your ideas to class tomorrow!

Ms Janaína/ Ms Taty

5 comentários:

  1. I like the video and i whant to say that the yooks and zooks are fight because they put the butter
    on different sides the zooks only whant down and yooks up.

  2. Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.

  3. I realy like the story the yooks and the zucks dont live the life in peace they fight and war they also divided all the city in two parts one part for the yooks and the other for the zucks and they figh because the yucks put they butterd up and the zooks put they butters down thats ehy they dont like each others

  4. ms:taty and ms:jana i saw in the video that the zooks and the yooks was in conflit so maybe that so so end can have peace!!

