sexta-feira, 13 de novembro de 2015

Skyscrapers: world's tallest buildings


How about learning a little more about these AMAZING structures?

Assistam o vídeo abaixo. Procurem mais informações na internet sobre os arranha-céus do mundo.

Use your drawing notebook to write about what you learned.

Considerem os seguintes questionamentos:

* Which is the tallest building in the world now a days?

* How tall can a skyscrapper get?

* Which materials can be used to build these high-stable structures?

* Which professionals develop skyscrapper's projects? Who works at the construction site?

* Why people started building skyscrappers?

Tragam sua pesquisa na Segunda-feira (16/11/15).

Don't forget to include pictures or drawings in your research.

Make it as good as it can be! Façam o seu melhor!


Ms Taty / Ms Janaína

4 comentários:

  1. I understand that skyscrappers are very very vey taller buidings that i will explain what i think about the name skyscrappers because if is verry talle buidings can be because that buidings has only a litlle distance of the sky and the clouds . This is only what i think about the name im not sure but is totlly posible . FABIO Y3A

  2. Ms Taty and Ms Jana,
    That vídeo was very interessant.

  3. I like this vídeo , because have so much interesant informations .

  4. I like this video because have many interesant facts and make us understend more about skyscraper!!!
