segunda-feira, 31 de agosto de 2015

The knight at Dawn...

Hey Kids,

Here is the summary of chapters 6/7:

"...Three guards arrest him and Annie. The guards threaten to hang the children the next day. Annie retrieves her flashlight from her backpack and shines a light in their faces, telling them it is a magic wand. The guards are so surprised that they let the children go. Using a map of the castle (from the book) as their guide, they make their way to the castle's wall as their flashlight dims.
They climb over the castle wall and Jack finds a way out. As he couldn't feel the ground, he decides to explore this place feet first. Jack discovers what a precipite is... he falls down to the moat as Annie could not hold him anymore."

I hope you are enjoying this wonderful story. 
Have you researched anything about the medival times, yet? It would be great to have more information about this era, don't you think?
Well.. let's see what happens next...

Ms Taty

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