sábado, 15 de agosto de 2015

The Knight at Dawn...

Hey Kiddos...

Jack and Annie are almost finishing their adventure!
Here is the summary for chapters 3 to 5.

Chapters 3/4/5 - summary

"...before Jack can stop her, Annie goes to the castle to explore in it. He follows her, and they hear music inside. Jack takes notes about the things he reads and observes, including the fact that feasts sometimes include peacocks for dinner, crocodiles sometimes swim in a castle's moat and a knight's helmet can weigh up to 40 pounds.
Afraid of being caught, they hide inside a room filled with armor and weapons. Jack accidentally makes a noise while trying on a helmet. Jack feels someone grabbing him by the arm."

Get ready for more surprises!
See you next week!
Ms Taty

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