terça-feira, 16 de junho de 2015

RAINBOW Gelatine...2015

The Year 3's family heritage book is pretty cool this year. 

Many kids sent us their family recipes and some families were available to come to school and cook to us.

Last Tuesday, June 9th., the Year 3 A tasted Phillipe Huang's favorite desert: 'rainbow gelatin'.

Phillipe's mom, Ana Huang, came to our school kitchen and taught kids all about the Huang's secret colorful gelatin recipe.

Kids had lots of fun making gelatin, breaking it into cubes and observing its transformation from liquid to solid stage. We made the desert in the morning and kids tasted it in the afternoon giving the gelatin plenty of time to turn solid again.Kids discovered cooking has everything to do with science!

Ana gave us lots of information about the dish, spoke English to the kids and helped everyone acquire new vocabulary while she prepared the desert. It was awesome!

We all want to say a big THANK YOU to Ana Huang and our friend Phillipe for all their effort in making us extremely happy!!

Check it out...

7 comentários:

  1. We believe in the power of connection between school-family.
    Every moment was awesome and delicious.
    Thank you everybody to made it happen.
    I wish lots of yummy moments to each one.
    Fabiana and Marcello

  2. Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.

  3. Lara e Lília
    Que delícia queria pOder ter provado

  4. Que delicia de comer

  5. No fim das férias tenho uma novidade muiiiiiiiiiiito boa para contar!!!!
    Lara Longman Azevedo
