sexta-feira, 12 de junho de 2015

Planting a Jar Terrarium...

Hey little botanists,

As discussed in class, here are some cool videos about making your own terrariums at home.

If you decide to make one to yourself, please don't forget to bring it to school next week to make sure we have some good time sharing, OK?

Your containers may be jars with lids or a 2L pet bottle (Cut it into 2 parts. Use the bottom to your plant and the upper part as your lid). Try to avoid glass jars as they may break easily. 

The videos show terrariums with grown plants, but you can always choose to plant seeds instead and watch your plant grow right in front of you.

Smaller terrariums will be great if you choose to plant seeds of spices or aromatic plants, as thyme ('tomilho') and balm ('cidreira').

Have a great time planting!!!

Ms Taty

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