quarta-feira, 19 de novembro de 2014

Planet's Project

Guidelines and Information:

This is a big project. You will work both at home and in the school. You will be working in groups.

Your group will be researching details of an assigned planet and compiling the information as a Written Booklet, PowerPoint or Prezi Presentation. 

Each group will then present the most important details about the assigned planet to the class. 

As a class, everyone will be compiling the details of each planet and then performing comparitive analysis of the planets in our solar system.

Project Sequence
  • Research - Planet Data Collection Worksheet
  • Complete it in parts, bring information to class as requested.Check the blog daily for further information.
  • Planet Research in a Written Booklet, PowerPoint or Prezi Presentation -
  • Presentations will be starting on Nov.25th,2014 (next Tuesday)

Helpful Links:

Nine Planets

JPL Planets

Kids Astronomy

NASA Solar System

National Geographic Solar System

Your Weight in other planets

NASAS photojournal

Solar System...Here we go!

Ms Taty

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