sexta-feira, 28 de novembro de 2014

Could we live on the Moon?

Hey Year 3,

Our inquiry is almost complete, but we still have questions to answer.

As you said in class, the Earth's moon is unique. Men have already visted it, but no one has ever found a way to live there. What do you think about that?

1- Watch the videos about the moon: (veja os vídeos sobre a Lua)

2- Consider these provocations: (considere estas questões)

* Is the moon ready for human life?

* Could we ever live there? 

* What changes we would have to make to live on the Moon?

3- Talk further to friends and family members about Men's visit to the moon and the possibility of living there. (Converse com amigos e familiares sobre a ida do homem a Lua e a possibilidade de vivermos lá em algum momento.)

4- Bring your answers to class on Monday (December 1st., 2014).
(Traga suas respostas na segunda-feira 10/12/2014)

You may bring written answers, oral information, posters, interviews, newspaper articles or cartoons.
(Podem trazer as respostas em forma de texto, posteres, entrevistas, relatos orais, artigos de jornal e revista, historias em quadrinho, etc.)

Go Inquirers!!!
Ms Taty

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