sexta-feira, 2 de dezembro de 2016

Peace in Pieces

“We are all unique in our differences and that is the beauty of the world we live in.”

Hi everyone, 

The world is a mix of sounds, colors and people. 

E assim também é a nossa visão de paz.

Every day, we face different emotions that change our view of the world around us.

Desejar e transmitir a paz é como construir uma colcha de retalhos. Parte por parte, ela se faz, forte e resistente para confortar quem dela necessita.

So... It's time to reflect and ACT!

A tarefa de hoje é construir o PEACE QUILT:

1- Watch the video: Peaceful Pieces 

2- Make a square out of an A4 paper. (This will be your peace quilt square!)

3- Interview someone important to you. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper. (you may use the left over part of your A4 square, as we saw in class, ok?)

*What color is peace to you?

*What does peace look like?

*Describe a time when you experienced peace. Where were you? What were you doing? 

4- Together prepare your Quilt piece square.

5- Bring your answers and your quilt piece to school on Monday.

6- All the squares will be put together next week! We'll have our own PEACE QUILT!

Peace Y'all!
Ms Jana / Ms Taty

6 comentários:

  1. Arthur, the squared page is for the peace drawing. The rectangular one (the small paper) is for the interview with a family member. We posted three questions here, have you seen them?

  2. Ms Tati, vai colar as respostas das perguntas?

  3. Some of them will be around the display outside the room, Vítor! 😀


  4. Ms. Tati i don´t understand the last 2 questions

    1. Hi,
      You, and your family member (the person you decided to interview), have to think about a time in your lives where you felt peace inside your hearts. Then you describe this moment, saying where you were and what you were doing at this special moment.
