sexta-feira, 6 de maio de 2016

Hey Kids,

It's time to learn about parts of a plant.

Each parts plays an important role in the plants' life cycle. They allow plants to get nutrients from the soil, carry water and absorb sunlight to make their own food. 

To learn more about these parts check the links below.

1- Slideshow 'roots & stems' on StudyJams Science.

2- Investigate more on The Great Plant Escape Project .

Complete your plant part work and place it in your PYP journal.

Don't forget to write a little about each plant part and their functions in the PYP journal.

We'll talk more about plant parts next week.

See you then...

Green Hugs, 
Ms Taty

5 comentários:

  1. Eu gostei muito desses sites Ms Taty!De VÍTOR

  2. thank you,again for the information!!!!!!!!

    João Emanuel

  3. The second link is very good Beatriz Rabelo

  4. I'm really glad you liked the activity kids!
    Keep studying.
    Ms Taty

  5. I love to learn about plants! Nanda YEAR3A
