terça-feira, 31 de maio de 2016

Multiplication as repeated addition

Hey kiddos,

Here are Annie and Moby again to help us!
This time they're showing us the uses of multiplication.
Watch the video to become a multiplication expert.

Have fun!
Ms Taty

quinta-feira, 26 de maio de 2016

Our Family Heirlooms

Hey kiddos,

This week has been awesome!

You are doing a wonderful job inquiring about your families' past.

Here are the family heirlooms we had the pleasure to explore this week. 

I hope you keep discussing about your families' past as these moments make us travel through time and history!

Keep working!

Ms Taty


sexta-feira, 20 de maio de 2016

Our Families Heirlooms... 

(Relíquias de Família)

Dear Kids,

Families are very important, as well as some special items that families have shared through many generations, the so called heirlooms.

Heirlooms may be very simple as an old copy of a cooking notebook of your dad's grandmother, or as complex as an old watch your mom's great granddad used to wear a long time ago!

So, it's time to bring your family's heirlooms to class, to show everyone how special these items may be to you and your beloved ones. 

We'll be talking about them the entire week, so ask your parents to help you discover, and share, this so valuable objects with your school friends.

To get you inspired, here is a great link to Joakim Blockstrom's project (a famous photographer)  about heirlooms.


See you in class then!

Have fun inquiring about the past!

Ms Taty

segunda-feira, 16 de maio de 2016

Let's Learn some more...


Hi year3,

How about a little language practice?

Here is one of our favorites... the OPPOSITES GAME!


Ms Taty

domingo, 15 de maio de 2016

Hey Kiddos,

Here are the two games we played last week in class about families.
Invite your family members to join you. 
Play together and learn some more!

* Game 1

* Game 2 

Ms Taty

terça-feira, 10 de maio de 2016

How plants make seeds

Hey kiddos,

Here is another StudyJams video that will help you understand a lot more about the importance of seeds.
We'll keep discussing the plant's kingdom in our classes, so have fun and keep studying!

Ms Taty

sexta-feira, 6 de maio de 2016

Hey Kids,

It's time to learn about parts of a plant.

Each parts plays an important role in the plants' life cycle. They allow plants to get nutrients from the soil, carry water and absorb sunlight to make their own food. 

To learn more about these parts check the links below.

1- Slideshow 'roots & stems' on StudyJams Science.

2- Investigate more on The Great Plant Escape Project .

Complete your plant part work and place it in your PYP journal.

Don't forget to write a little about each plant part and their functions in the PYP journal.

We'll talk more about plant parts next week.

See you then...

Green Hugs, 
Ms Taty