quinta-feira, 7 de abril de 2016

Environment, Ecosystems and more...

Hello Year 3,

It's time to learn more about the way living things interact and survive in our planet.

Use your PYP journal to answer the following questions:

1- What is an ecosystem?

2- What are biotic and abiotic factors?  

3- How do biotic and abiotic factors interact on Earth?

We'll be sharing our ideas with our friends tomorrow in class, ok?

Here are some interesting sites  and videos to help you research:

* Studyjams video about ecosystems

* http://www.kidsgeo.com/geography-for-kids/0164-ecosystems.php

* http://www.eoearth.org/view/article/152248/

* http://eschooltoday.com/ecosystems/what-is-an-ecosystem.html

* http://forest.mtu.edu/kidscorner/ecosystems/definition.html

Ms Taty

5 comentários:

  1. A ecosystem is a comunity of animals and plants interacting with the enviroment.

  2. yes I learned a lot of new things! Nanda

  3. Year 3 B also learned lots of things.

  4. Year 3 A thinks that the videos are very good. They enlarge our thinking.
