terça-feira, 31 de março de 2015

Year 3 students have been reflecting on our PYP- Who we are unit about group decision making and the way our choices and decisions affect the life of others.

As their final project, they read a story (It's not Fair) and reflected about attitudes and actions students have in school that are prejudicial to others. Some of the brainstormed attitudes were RESPECT and EMPATHY. 

Year 3 students think that everyone should "put themselves in the shoes of the others" before acting. Almost all students agreed that respect is the most important attitude when thinking about the well-being of the school community.

Children prepared WARNING posters to display around the school as a reminder for their peers about the importance of reflecting before acting. 

The posters will be placed in the halls of the school before easter and will be left in the halls for 2 weeks so everyone in school has the right to reflect with us about FAIRNESS!

segunda-feira, 30 de março de 2015

Temos novidades no ar! Ou melhor, no nosso site!

Homework Helper! A ajuda que você estava precisando.

Vivemos em uma época de grandes avanços tecnológicos e a rapidez de como tudo está mudando, para muitos é assustadora.

Como pais e educadores, precisamos estar envolvidos nesse processo de descobertas através do uso da tecnologia. É necessária uma maior participação na exploração desse mundo, mediando o uso do computador, orientando como utilizar essa ferramenta de forma segura, ensinando a pensar criticamente e a agir com responsabilidade. Mostrando assim, como essa experiência pode ser produtiva.

Nós da ABA Global School vamos ajudar vocês nesse processo de descobertas. Este espaço foi feito para servir de guia para um mundo de possibilidades online. É possível usar a internet como aliada nas tarefas de casa, nas pesquisas escolares e nos momentos de lazer, ajudando as crianças a se desenvolverem e aprenderem sempre mais.

Para acessar o Homework Helper, basta entrar no estudenaaba.com. Lá vocês irão encontrar o link da Escola bilíngue, para então, acessar nossa área restrita ao inserir o CPF do responsável e a data de nascimento do aluno.

We hope you enjoy it!
Esperamos que curtam!

Camilla Cream...

(March in Review - post 2)
Camilla Cream helped us observe the way people feel. 
She helped kids understand the importance of listening to self. Children understood and expressed their feelings in many ways, making sure they considered their own opinions and not those of others.

Here are some pictures of the way children pictured Camilla. Written pieces also include children's own reflections about they way they had been feeling lately.

Great Job, Year 3!

domingo, 29 de março de 2015

Saint Patrick´s art... 

(March in Review post 1)

March was a busy month to the year 3.
So... We decided to post here some of the activities we shared this month little by little.

The first one are the Saint Patrick's crafts... 
These are our tricky, funny leprechauns!
Children loved this day!

Ms Taty

quinta-feira, 26 de março de 2015

Heart maps

Heart Maps

Last week, year 3 students reflected about themselves using heart maps.
They were asked to reflect about special moments and interests they had in life. 
After reflecting, they illustrated their hearts and wrote a little text about their preferences.

This experience helped them understand differences and similarities between people and also helped students understand better the special relations their peers have with holidays, activities and food, for example.

Great job Year 3!
Ms Taty

quarta-feira, 25 de março de 2015

ARTS Homework

Oi Gente,

Aqui está a tarefa de ARTES para amanhã:

Solicitamos que AMANHÃ os alunos do year 3 A e B tragam uma muda de roupa completa, parte de cima (camisa) e parte de baixo (saia, short ou calça) ou vestido. 

Iremos fotografar as crianças para o projeto de artes. 

As roupas só vão ser usadas para fotografar, após fotografado o estudante será encaminhado para troca de roupa.  

Ms Fabi


Hey Year 3,

All life on Earth is interconnected. 
We all depend on each other to live. 
It is really important to know more about the 5 kingdoms of life in order to understand these connections.

To expand more our research here is a video and an interesting site to learn more about ECOLOGY and ECOSYSTEMS.

After researching, don't forget to...

1- Use the site and video to research.
2- Prepare an A4 sized poster to share in class.
3- Answer our questions: 

* What is Ecology?

* What is an Ecosystem?

4- Bring your research to class tomorrow.

See you!
Ms Taty

segunda-feira, 23 de março de 2015

Água, um bem insubstituível!

No dia 21 de março, comemoramos o dia mundial da água. Esse bem insubstituível e fundamental para a sobrevivência dos seres vivos está precisando, cada vez mais, dos nossos cuidados. Seguem alguns vídeos para refletirmos sobre o seu uso e importância para as nossas vidas.

Ms. Janaína

Nature's Kingdoms

Hey kids,

Visit this LINK to learn more about the kingdoms of Nature.
Choose one of them to research about.
Write the information you found on your drawing notebook.
Glue pictures (or illustrate) the kingdom you chose to make your research more complete.

Have fun!

Ms Taty

quinta-feira, 12 de março de 2015


Hi there ...

All year 3 students can start using our Raz-kids pages.

Each group has a specific study room, ready to be explored.

Student's passwords and class logins were attached to student's agendas last Monday (03/09/2015).

Feel free to talk to teachers in school if any problem occurs while using your private pages.

Ms Taty
Imagine and Write...

Hey kiddos,

This time we are going to give you a little "online hand" at writing, ok?

Visit Scholastic's STORY STARTERS and write an online story using one of their incredible ideas!

After typing your story, you should print it and bring it to class on Monday when we'll be sharing these amazing stories!

You can choose any theme, but the story starters may only go up to level 3 !!

Happy writing!

Ms Taty

sexta-feira, 6 de março de 2015

A Bad Case of Stripes

Hi everyone...
Here is the story we discussed in class today.

Watch the storytelling again and take some time to talk to your friends and family about Camilla's problem.

After discussing, don't forget to make a beautiful picture of Camilla and fill in our story chart.

Happy Viewing!!!
Ms Taty

terça-feira, 3 de março de 2015

Word hunt...

Dear Families,

Last week, our  year 3 kids started using their dictionaries both individually and in small groups. Valentine's vocabulary and high frequency words were explored to helped kids unlock the secrets of their brand-new English-English dictionaries.
Kids had lots of fun playing the Dictionary WORD HUNT!
They were challenged to find new words, follow ABC order, explore meaning and make sentences in a fun way.

Great job everyone!

Ms Taty

segunda-feira, 2 de março de 2015


Hey guys,

Here are the videos we shared in class.

Odd Numbers...

Even Numbers...

Happy Learning!

Ms Taty