segunda-feira, 24 de fevereiro de 2014

Hundreds Chart

How about practicing a little MATH using an interactive Hundreds Chart?
Check the ABCya's SITE and have fun!!!

Ms Taty

Somebody loves you, Mr. Hatch

This is the story we have been working with.

Mr. Hatch is very special and he has been teaching us some little things about people.

We are trying to discover WHO WE ARE and Mr. Hatch has been our dearest friend in this task.

Watch the VIDEO and ask yourself: " Have you been paying attention to the people around you?"

domingo, 23 de fevereiro de 2014


Year 3 students started their buddy reading routine this week. 
This is the time where they get together with a friend (in pairs, sometimes in trios) to share and read a special book.

We have been reading level 1 books for now, so that everyone can adapt easily to the new routine.

We all stop everything we are doing, read for 15 minutes, and then we make a picture and write some information about the book we shared.

It is very nice to observe everyone read, share ideas together.

Our students simply LOVE buddy reading!

Ms Taty

Valentine's Day 

Here are the pictures we took during our Valentine's day celebrations.

Our wall display was AWESOME! The children preparing cards. They gave cards, they got special mail and they could read and share their SPECIAL letters with each other. It was a great moment!

We would like to thank all the YEAR 3 friends and families for the HUGE sucess  we had with our VALENTINE'S MAILBOX. HURRAY!

Ms Taty

quinta-feira, 6 de fevereiro de 2014

It's Valentine's Time!!!

É hora de demonstrar carinho e uma atenção especial a nossos amigos e familiares.
Que tal partilhar a música que a turminha do year 3 aprendeu hoje?

Happy Valentine's everyone!
Ms Taty

quarta-feira, 5 de fevereiro de 2014

Hello Everyone! We are back!!!

Estamos muito felizes em conhecer nossos novos alunos. 

Sejam todos bem-vindos ao YEAR 3!

Nossos primeiros dias de aula estão sendo bastante proveitosos. 

As primeiras atividades das turmas englobaram o perfil CARING do PYP learner profile (perfil do aprendiz).
Conversamos com as crianças sobre a ajuda ao próximo. 

Em inglês, as crianças refletiram a partir de um vídeo, produzindo painéis sobre A CORRENTE DO BEM ("We care when we..."), e em Português deixaram seus auto-retratos e pegadas com reflexões pessoais sobre o melhor caminho para ajudar uns aos outros.

Seguem as fotos dos painéis.

Parabéns YEAR 3 pela colaboração, respeito e carinho que vocês demonstraram uns aos outros.

Kisses and Hugs,
Ms Taty and Ms Janaína