quinta-feira, 14 de dezembro de 2017

Math Review - Addition with regrouping

Hi everyone!

Here are two more videos that may help you when reviewing addition with regrouping.

Have Fun!

Ms Taty

To, Too or Two?

Hi everyone, 

These are really trick words and some of you had some trouble with them this year. 

So...how about watching a video to learn when to use each of these words correctly?

Have fun and keep studying hard!

Ms Taty

quarta-feira, 13 de dezembro de 2017

quarta-feira, 6 de dezembro de 2017

Library Visit - STORYTELLING

To celebrate Thanksgiving week and to enjoy a nice story, the Year 3 students went to the library for  storytelling time!

Everyone had lots of fun with the story TURKEY TROUBLE by Wendy Silvano.

After the storytelling, kids took part of a language/arts activity where they were invited to describe in words and pictures their favorite parts of the story.

We would like to thank the librarians at ABA this wonderful experience we had.

Here are some picture of this special activity.


terça-feira, 5 de dezembro de 2017

Malala's Day!

Hi everyone,

This is the speech Malala Yousafzai made at UN's headquarters in 2013.
We truly hope her words may bring peace and reflection to your hearts and minds.
Year 3 teachers

quarta-feira, 29 de novembro de 2017

Hi everyone,

John Lennon was definitely not the only world dreamer when he decided to sing those words, huh?

The world is full of people who love helping others and try their best to spread peace around: PEACEMAKERS!

It's time to learn more about this people and their brave journeys in the world.
(É hora de aprender mais sobre estas pessoas e suas jornadas de coragem em luta por um mundo melhor!)

Com o auxílio de um adulto, pesquise na internet informações sobre o seu 'peacemaker' favorito.

Make a Power Point Presentation about this person. 
Sua apresentação deve ser curtinha, com 5 slides apenas. Apesar disso, tente deixar a apresentação bem rica, incluindo informações que justifiquem o porquê desta pessoa ser considerada um 'peacemaker'.

Add pictures to your presentation.  Write about all the good this person helped spread around the world.

Traga sua apresentação na próxima segunda-feira e esteja preparado para apresentá-la para seus amigos.



Ms Jana / Ms Taty

segunda-feira, 20 de novembro de 2017

It's thanksgiving time!

Hi everyone,

It's finally the time of the year when we say thanks for everything we are and have. 

So, enjoy this thanksgiving with your friends and family singing a happy, informative, song!

Have fun!

Thankful Hugs,
Ms Jana / Ms Taty